Sunday, February 04, 2007

Cleaning House

I haven't been around for a couple of weeks and for that, I apologize. Never mind that I seem to be apologizing forever to all of you for being constantly absent. I'm trying, I really am, to fit everything into the 24 hours that I'm given everyday. Sadly, I'm not very good at it. *g*

When January came around, my husband and I agreed to start cleaning up the clutter in our house. Now it's a pretty sizeable house, mind you, so we've decided to take it one space at a time. We tackled the messiest place to begin with--our closet. I'm no Martha Stewart, I assure you. I confess to having a cleaning lady come once a week and do the hard stuff. You know, the floors, the bathrooms, the whole house, really. But I draw the line at having my laundry done. There's something about having somebody else touch my clothes (read: undies) that really give me the creeps. It's too personal, if you know what I mean. Although there are days when I'm tempted to have her do that, too, when I look at the heaping mound of clothes to be done. There's only four of us in this family, but we produce enough dirty laundry that a family of eight probably would. Grrr!

Anyway, I digress. Looking at my closet, I never realized how much clothes I've accumulated over the years, and most of them, I haven't worn in a long time. I'm not a clotheshorse, trust me, but I never realized I had so many freaking clothes. There were a number of them that were two or three sizes too small. Yeah, yeah, that was eons ago when I was actually a lot skinnier than I am now. LOL. So they all had to go. My husband and I packed them in boxes and bags. By the time we were done, we had five boxes full of clothes and a smattering of large plastic bags containing even more. Even my kids pitched in and cleaned out their stuff. Mind-boggling!

Look at that! Isn't it pretty? I can actually see the floor of my closet. You'll also see from the picture that my husband has arranged his clothes (top photo) by color. How disgusting is that? He's forever trying to get me to do the same, but I resist. In a bid to retain my independence, I have steadfastly refused. LOL. It's just an excuse, really. I'll get to it someday. Hey, it only took me about seven years to clean my closet. In another seven, I'll color coordinate my clothes, too!


Cathy M said...

Hey, I think tackling anything on the "to do" list is an accomplishment. I am an excellent procrastinator, and made January a project free month. :)

Beverly Havlir said...

I have a "to do" list a mile long. I always start out with good intentions, really! Then one thing or another happens, and voila! Everything is put in the back burner. LOL. I'm so bad.