Thursday, January 04, 2007


Every year, like millions of people out there, I write down some resolutions that I'd like to fulfill for the next 365 days. All in the name of becoming a better me!
Here's a few I'd like to share with you.

1) Lose the extra weight I've been carrying around. This is a universal resolution. Everybody wants to lose weight. Just don't write me and tell me you need to lose three or five pounds. Puh-leeze. Don't make me sick.

2) Addendum to #1. Use the treadmill and elliptical for the express purpose of exercise. They're pretty much furniture right now. LOL.

3) Make more at-home meals instead of eating out. In a perfect world, you'll find me in the kitchen every night, wearing an apron over my dress, whipping up delicious, nutritious home-cooked meals. Reality is, I'm not able to do that most of the time. I'd love to, though. Eating out gets old after a while. Plus, it can drastically cut down on expenses.

4) Be more sociable. Believe it or not, I'd rather stay home with a good book than party. I'm the complete opposite of my husband, who is very outgoing, knows practically everyone and will talk to all of them every chance he gets. I always tell my kids I'm moving to an island somewhere when I retire. They think I'm kidding. Not.

5) Travel. I'd like to take a few weeks in the summer to explore Europe. My idea of a good time would be to get lost in ancient castles and spend hours exploring. Less work, more fun kind of thing. Of course, this is more like a dream, really, than a resolution. LOL.

6)Write faster. Okay, faster might be the wrong term. While I've matured a lot in the past few years that I've been writing, I haven't gotten to the level where I'm comfortable putting out books on a regular basis. I'd like to get to the point where I have three or four books in the cue--without sacrificing quality and plot. Damn it, life. Stop intruding!

7)Try New York. This year, I'd like to try my hand at submitting to a NY pub (again). Last year, I received ONE rejection letter and I consider that my rite of passage. Time to get back on the horse and try to ride that baby one more time.

8) Clean out my closet. Y'all know what I mean. If it hasn't been used in a couple of years, it ain't never gonna be used at all. Throw it out.

9) Other women have Blahnik or Choo fetishes. Mine is for cute, fashionable sneakers. I have more than a dozen pairs that I wear, and more stowed in boxes in the garage. Have got to STOP shopping for sneakers.

10) I'd like to be a better wife and mother in the sense that I'd like to have more patience and cut down on the hormonal rants (another term for pms). Hey, I can dream, can't I?

I will keep my resolutions to ten only. Gotta keep it realistic and most of all, doable. If you have any good ones you'd like to share, let me know. I just might add it to my list.


Cathy M said...

Hi Bev, number 1-5, I totally get, though my furniture, uh exercise machine, is one of those gazelle gliders. Plus, I have a couple of closets that could use an overhaul,the better wife and mom is pretty much a given, and I have the dreaded 10 year back log of scrapbooking that I really need to get off the list. Good luck to both of us.

Beverly Havlir said...

My thoughts exactly, Cathy. Hope we both do good with our resolutions this year.