Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Me too! Me too!

I've joined the blogging bandwagon!
I probably won't be able to post every day (not that anybody cares anyway) *g* but I'll be around. This is where I can think out loud, express my opinion and observations. I've gotta warn ya, I'm not interested in drama, snarky comments or hate mail. I've got two teenagers, so trust me, I've got enough drama in my life. Come and visit my blog. Read my posts. Leave a comment or just say hi. I appreciate it. Thanks for stopping by.


Ruth D. Kerce said...

Hey Bev,

Welcome to the blogging bandwagon! What do you mean, it's not all about sex? ::pout:: LOL

Ruth :-)

Tawny Taylor said...

Hi Bev!

Good luck with you new blog! I resisted for as long as I could, but now I'm a blogging addict.


Beverly Havlir said...

Ali -
Thanks for stopping by! I'm glad you found me. You're my first visitor. LOL! News about future books will come out soon, don't worry!

Ruth -
Well, okay, it'll be mostly about sex! *g* Happy, now?

Tawny -
I just thought this was easier for me to communicate with everyone. And yes, I tried so hard to resist, but in the end, I had to do it. I'm excited! Thanks for coming over.

Erin the Innocent said...

howdy and good luck with the blog!

Beverly Havlir said...

Thanks, Erin! I'm glad you came by.
how ya doin?

Anonymous said...

Well, if you're going to think out loud, could you please do it in some other color than yellow and blue? 'Cause I'm having an awful time trying to read it!


Hiiiiiii, Bev!

Anonymous said...

Who's the goalie who wears bright yellow shinpads? Fleury? Anyhow. There's a reason he wears YELLOW shinpads. They make the other hockey players eyes go gozzy so they can't focus on the net.

...just a hint.


Anonymous said...

...and wow.

If I had a pretty picture like yours, I'd post it here.


Beverly Havlir said...

Madi -
It's called experimenting. I'm trying to find the right color, so in the next few days, I'll be switching it around. It's not that bad, is it? *g* Just for you, my next post will be in REALLY dark colors. LOL. You nut.
Come on, post a picture! I wanna see!

Anonymous said...

It's terrible. Time for more experimenting if you ask me.

...and you did ask me.

Like the picture, though.


Beverly Havlir said...

I walked right into that one. Fear not, Madi, next post will be a better color. But wait, I think I can still fix this one. Hmm...

Beverly Havlir said...

Is that better, Madi dear?

Beverly Havlir said...

Hey Danny!

Thanks for stopping by. I'm very new at this. Half the time, I don't even know what I'm doing. LOL