Thursday, October 05, 2006

Irresistible revisited

I've gotten a bunch of reader emails about my story Irresistible. Most were positive, but some were downright demanding. Why did I write such a story? Don't I know that romance is essentially about fantasy? That nothing should mar the rosy glow that surrounds the lovers? No hint of mistrust or infidelity? It's just not romantic.

I had to smile. First of all, I was pleased that at least I'd gotten some reactions. I got readers to actually talk to me and tell me what they think. None of them held back, trust me. LOL. Second, the emails usually ended with "But you really made the story work. In the end, I wanted Gavin and Maddie to get back together." Gotcha.

Okay, I have to admit that the blurb wasn't the best I've ever written in the entire world. I didn't think about it well enough to make it universally appealing. At first, I thought, why should I not put the fact that Maddie thought Gavin had cheated on her? Personally, I've never liked a book that turned out to be different from the blurb in the back. Sure, a blurb could entice me into buying a book not kowing what's inside the pages. once. After that, I'd be really leery of buying that author again. I don't care if I have to practically read the book in the bookstore, I'm not buying it until I know the blurb is dead on. It's that fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me kind of thing.

To borrow one of Karen's classic, witty expressions--my blurb sucked great big hairy donkey balls. No sense sugarcoating it. It's not that it was god awful. It just wasn't enticing enough. I admit, I needed to make it better. Hindsight is always 20/20, right? Other than that, most of the reviews for Irresistible has been positive. It was even nominated for Ecataromance's Reviewer's Choice Award. Pretty nice, huh?

I've been published since 2004. Compared to others, I'm a baby. And no, I'm not using that as an excuse. I'm only saying that I still have a lot to learn. Irresistible was certainly a learning experience. A good one, I might add.

This was a story I had to write. As a married woman, I've often wondered what it would be like to experience your man cheating on you, straying from the fold, so to speak. Personally, I've always told my husband don't bother cheating on me. Just tell me. That way, we can minimize the bloodshed. LOL. I'm realistic enough to know that it can and does happen to the best of us. Thankfully, he still declares he loves me everyday and adds a kiss to boot. *g*

Romance is indeed fantasy. I've been reading romances since I was around twelve or thirteen. But I contend that fantasy should be grounded in reality. I mean, how many stories of dashing Princes getting together with ordinary women can you write? That kind of thing just doesn't happen everyday. Most stories I read nowadays feature women who are take charge, career driven, sexually experienced. Now that's reality, right? The world evolves, so should we.

In the end, I thank everyone who wrote me and expressed their thoughts and rather forceful opinion of Irresistible. *g* Thanks so much. I welcome good and bad comments. Praise and scathing criticism alike. I'm of the mind that if I've gotten people to think and to sit down in front of a computer and take the time to send me an email, then it's all good. I did my job.

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